
Track personal finances in an SQL database.

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The following files are available for download. The corresponding installation instructions are in the following sections. The application requires a Java 8 or newer runtime environment (JRE). A JRE is included with the Windows .msi file. A JRE must be installed separately for the other download types.


The application requires a Java 8 compatible JRE to be installed. To install the Open JDK JRE you can use the following command.

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre

The following command can be used to install the .deb file. After installation, the application will be available in the start menu in the Office category.

sudo dpkg -i finances-1.6.3.deb

For distributions that don’t support .deb files, the following commands will install the application in /opt and add an entry to the start menu.

sudo unzip -d /opt
cd /usr/local/share/applications
sudo ln -s /opt/finances/Finances.desktop .


To install using the .msi file, double click on it in File Manager and complete the setup wizard. The .msi file includes a private JRE. If you want to use a shared JRE you can install the application using the .zip file.

Use the following steps to install using the .zip files.