Package io.github.jonestimd.swing.table.sort
Interface Summary Interface Description MixedRowTableRowSorter An interface for aMixedRowTable
row sorter.ViewToModel<BEAN> An interface for mapping between a table model row and a table view row. -
Class Summary Class Description BeanModelRowSorter<BEAN,MODEL extends BeanTableModel<BEAN>,V extends ViewToModel<BEAN>> An abstractRowSorter
for tables that use aBeanTableModel
.HeaderDetailTableRowSorter<H,M extends BufferedHeaderDetailTableModel<H>> A row sorter for header/detail table.HeaderDetailTableRowSorter.HeaderDetailTableRowComparator<H> The comparator used to sort rows of a header/detail table.HeaderDetailTableRowSorter.HeaderDetailViewToModel<BEAN> A mapping between the view and the model.SectionTableRowSorter<BEAN,MODEL extends SectionTableModel<BEAN> & BeanTableModel<BEAN>> A row sorter for aSectionTable
.SectionTableRowSorter.SectionTableRowComparator<BEAN> The comparator used to sort rows of a section table.SectionTableRowSorter.ViewRow<BEAN> A mapping between the view and the model.TableRowComparator<Bean,VTM extends ViewToModel<Bean>> This class provides a comparator for sorting rows in aDecoratedTable
that uses aBeanTableModel